Saturday, August 6, 2011

Cupcakes and Brownies

Last night while I was writing my post I got the middle of the night hunger pangs I usually get, but I'm so proud of myself... I was a really good girl and ate organic hummus and  Fritos, along with a delicious organic pluot (hybrid plum/apricot).  I normally will eat junk food and lots of it,so I was very pleased with my choice.  I keep forgetting to mention in my daily food section of these posts, that I always eat at least 1 - 3 granola bars and 2 -3 packs of fruit snacks every day.

So let's see..  Woke up today at a little before 11 AM.  Ah, that was nice to be able to sleep in a bit on a Saturday.  Had to take my pain meds Opana, Opana ER, Lorazepam, and Citalopram right away because I was hurting pretty bad when I woke up.  I think, when I fell, I tore something in my right knee so I am seriously considering seeing the doctor because there is a lump and it hurts really bad all the time.  In fact, just to calm it down, tonight I took 2 Oxy's, and got sick feeling so, a Phenrgyn, then I got the itchies (hope to God it's not another staph infection) so had to take 2 Benadryl too!  That's on top of my evening pills, 1 Opana ER, 1 Opana, and 1 Loraz.  However, I didn't take any other pills during the day today.  I did take my Colostrum, but not my vitamins.

At 11:00 AM I watched some TV and lied around for quite a while while I scoured Craig's List and made arrangements for my hubby to pick up a bunch of stuff.  While he was gone I did a load of laundry and chatted with my mom and my friend.  I have a ton of work backed up and am quite stressed about it. I didn't get the crafting projects I needed to get done today because of all the CL stuff that came in and needed attention.  It's ok, I will get to it 2moro.  At least I have put together some things for my asst. to do on Monday, which is super important.

Food Consumed Today:
At around 2 or 3PM 1 chocolate pudding w/Colostrum and an Apricot/Macadamia Kind bar at 4 or so, Chinese food for dinner at around 6:30 or 7PM including, 1 Sierra Mist, some sesame chicken, mixed chicken w/veggies, a piece of garlic shrimp, and some lo mein.  About an hour later a two-bite chocolate chip cupcake from a local bakery (yummy, yummy).  They are one of my absolute favorite treats!  *Side note, hands and wrists hurting intensely.*  Then my hubby decided to make himself some brownies, which I just couldn't resist, of course so I had like a fourth of the pan.  Ugh.  I sure paid for it with a nice tummy ache and a lovely sense of nausea. :p  It had an egg and I'm not supposed to have those, but I think it's more the quantity I ate than the amount of egg in it.  *Side Note:  Heartburn is starting 12:27 AM.*  Of course I drank lots of water and had only about a cup of coffee with vanilla rice milk today (half decaf) so I'm doing better on cutting back on caffeine and the oh so bad for me flavored creamer.  My friend got me hooked on that and I really need to cut it back out of my diet because it's loaded with things I should not have, such as soy.  Proud that I only had a bit of coffee today.  Really was too busy to mess with more! See 1st paragraph for rest of food.  I think that's today's menu.  It's really hard to remember all that, but I don't have time to sit and write every time I eat something.  I'd rather just do it all at once in my daily journal.

I was very busy sorting all the CL stuff today and didn't get any sort of a nap.  My mood wasn't the greatest today either.  I just have a lot on my mind and am trying to sort through it all and trying very hard to stay as positive as I can.  I am definitely in a bit of a depressed state so I will work through that all by writing.  That always helps me. :0) I watched a lot of TV today, but wanted to try something different tonight so I listened to some classical music for about an hour and read some while listening, then put the book down and just let the music take my mind to an amazing fun place with dancing and laughter and fields of flowers and things, people and places from the Victorian era (my favorite) and beautiful architecture.  It was a lovely thing to meditate on while I could.  Would definitely like to try that again! *Side Note - shoulders both started hurting a ton.  Have to stop now. *

Hot and sunny most of the day with afternoon clouds and a bit of rain.  Back to sunny in the evening.  No thunder/lightning.

That's pretty much my day in a nutshell and I am actually feeling tired now. Yay!  Let's see if I can get to sleep  before 1:30 tonight.  It's now 12:35 and looks like I have a good chance! :0)

Goodnight world.  Thank you, God for all you have put in my path today.


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